Ingredients :
    2 lb 4 oz (1 k) fresh salmon fillet, trimmed, clean, skinless
    Coarse salt
    ¾ cup dry white wine or champagne
    4 tablespoons chopped herbs (parsley leaves, chives, chopped white onion, capers, chopped cilantro and black pepper)
    Juice of 2 lemons
    Olive oil


Place salmon fillet on a plate and cover with coarse salt.
Refrigerate and marinate for 24 hours.
Next day rinse salmon fillet with cold water to remove excess of salt. Dry and return to plate. Combine herbs with wine or champagne and lemon juice. Pour over fillet and marinate for 12 hours turning fillet several times. Remove fillet from the marinate and cut into thin slices. Arrange slices on a serving dish and drizzle with olive oil.

How to fillet, skin and debone fish
        4 -6 servings