Ingredients :
    2.2 .b (1 k) apples (Granny Smith or similar), peeled, cored and quartered
    1 ¾ cups sugar
    3 cups water
    2 cinnamon sticks


Pour water in a medium saucepan together with the cinnamon sticks, the apple skins and cores. Bring to a boil, covered, for 15 minutes over medium high heat. Drain and discard both cores and skins.
Return apple water to saucepan and bring to a boil. Add apples.
Turn apples with a spoon when liquid begins to boil again.
Repeat twice while mixture is boiling. Cover saucepan and boil for 2 more minutes until apples are soft but do not break apart.
Remove from the heat and place saucepan over a cold water bowl to srop cooking process.
Transfer compote to a bowl when it is warm.
        6 servings