Ingredients :
    2.4 lb (1 k) sole or sea bass fillet, cut in 1 ½ in. (3 cm) cubes
    Juice of 6 limes, freshly squeezed
    Toasted ground breadcrumbs, the necessary amount
    Vegetable oil, the necessary amount
    2 rocotos (red hot chili), one cut into slices, one seeded, deveined and chopped finely
    2 medium yellow sweet potato, cooked, peeled and sliced
    2 corn ears, no husk, cooked and cut in 2 in (5 cm) slices

    2 medium red onions, cut into thin julienne
    1 – 2 fresh yellow aji (chili), seeded and deveined, cut into thin strips
    Juice of 2 freshly squeezed limes
    Vegetable oil
    Parsley or cilantro leaves, chopped finely


Marinate fish in freshly squeezed lime juice for 8 minutes. Remove marinated fish with a slotted spoon and season with salt and pepper.
Dredge each fish cube in toasted breadcrumbs to cover completely. Heat oil in a skillet and fry fish cubes (in batches) until evenly browned.
Remove fish cubes from the skillet and drain on paper towel.
Place in a serving dish and cover with Creole Sauce.
Serve with sliced yellow sweet potato, sliced corn and sprinkle with chopped red hot aji (rocoto).

Soak onion in water to cover for 10 – 15 minutes. Drain and spread on a dish to dry.
Transfer onions to a bowl, season with salt and pepper and stir in lime juice. Add yellow aji (chili) and mix.
Correct seasonings.

How to fillet, skin and debone fish