Ingredients :
    2.2 lb (1 k) rice
    1 lb 10 oz (750 g) pork meat
    12 garlic cloves (3 tablespoons ground garlic)
    2 onions, finely chopped
    2 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped
    4 Ají panca / Sundried red aji (chili) seeded, deveined, washed, ground
    6 tablespoons shortening
    1 tablespoon oregano
    4 tablespoon ground or finely minced cilantro
    1 ˝ cup fresh peas
    1 ˝ cabbage leaves, cut julienne


Cut pork meat in small pieces (1.5 inches / 3 cm). Place shortening in pan, fry pork until golden. Reserve meat.

Fry garlic, chili, onions and tomatoes in same fat. Add oregano and cilantro.

Add reserved pork meat and cover with hot water. Bring to a boil and cook until meat is tender. Incorporate peas and cabagge. Season.

Add rice, stir and cover with boiling water. When mixture starts to boil, lower heat and continue cooking until rice is done.

        8 servings