Ingredients :
    2 lb (1 k) chirimoya, peeled and cut in small pieces
    8 egg whites
    3 cups sugar
    1 tablespoon arrowroot
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    Pinch of salt
    2 cups heavy cream (to make chantilly)
    ½ cup confectioners sugar
    1 ½ cup manjarblanco (sweet milk dessert)


Preheat oven to 350 °F (180 °C).

Beat egg whites with whisk or electric beater until foamy and add salt. Gradually beat in sugar, previously combined with baking powder and arrowroot. Continue beating until thick and smooth.

Draw 3 circles in parchment paper (12 inch / 25 cm). Fill circles with meringue mixture, spreading carefully with a metal spatula. Place meringues on cookie sheets. Lower oven temperature to 190 °F (100 °C) and bake meringues for 2 hours. If necessary, alternate position of cookie sheets, during baking process.

Beat cream, add confectioners sugar and continue beating until thick and has the consistency of chantilly cream.

Remove meringues from oven and let cool. Peel off paper.

Place one meringue on a serving platter. Spread manjarblanco on top with a metal spatula. Place chirimoya on top and cover with chantilly cream. Place another meringue layer and repeat procedure. Place third layer and finish with chantilly cream and, if desired, chocolate shavings.
        10 servings