Ingredients :
    20 – 22 Oreo cookies or similar chocolate cookies
    ¼ cup 2 tablespoons butter, melted
    3 tablespoons sugar

    1 cherimoya (medium size), peeled, seeded and cut in medium size pieces
    2 cups heavy cream
    2 tablespoons confectioners sugar
    1 lb 2 oz. (500 g) manjarblanco made with sweetened condensed milk
    1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1 medium size cherimoya, peeled, seeded and cut in medium size pieces
    1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
    Chocolate shavings

    2 cans of sweetened condensed milk (14 oz / 400 g each)

Process cookies and combine with melted butter and sugar. Press into bottom and sides of a 12-inch (25 cm) pie pan. Freeze crust while the filling is prepared.

Moisten gelatin in ¼ cup water for 2 minutes and heat stirring until dissolved. Cool to room temperature.

Whip cream until it starts to hold soft peaks. Add sugar and continue whipping until thick (as for chantilly cream). Add manjarblanco and combine until thoroughly mixed. Stir in gelatin and cherimoya.

Remove crust from freezer and fill with cherimoya filling. Refrigerate 4 or 5 hours.

Combine cherimoya with gelatin and place on top of filling. Decorate with chocolate shavings.

Place a can in a medium size pan, cover with water and bring to a boil for 2 hours or 45 minutes in a pressure cooker. Cool completely before opening the can.Transfer to a serving bowl. Serve.
        6 – 8 servings