Ingredients :
    1 loin of pork approximately 4 lb (1 800 k)
    ¼ teaspoon ground cumin
    1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
    ½ teaspoon ground ginger
    ¼ cup dark soy sauce
    1 tablespoon honey
    ½ tablespoon oil


Trim pork removing excess fat. Transfer to a baking pan.Combine cumin, mustard, pepper, ginger, and soy sauce. Pour over pork and marinate for 2 hours.

Tie pork with a string and roast in oven 350°F (180°C). Turn pork 2 or 3 times during cooking. Place a small bowl of water besides the baking pan during cooking to prevent pork from drying.

Approximately 30 minutes before pork is ready, add ½ hot water to mix with cooking juice. Add more water if necessary. Remove from oven and cool for 10 minutes before cutting.

Transfer to a serving dish and serve with Fried Green Bean BunchesServe sauce in a separate sauceboat.
        8 servings