Ingredients :
    8 pork tenderloins, trimmed
    2 tablespoons olive oil (approximately)
    4 tablespoons unsalted butter
    3 ˝ cups heavy cream
    2 cups beef stock
    2 cups port wine
    1 cabbage or chinese cabagge shredded coarsely
    2 lb (1 k) fava beans
    1 cup chicken bouillon
    1 teaspoon thyme
    1 teaspoon oregano
    Chopped parsley for decoration


Cut tenderloins in thick slices. Tie kitchen twine around each fillet to hold its shape while cooking. Sauté fillets in olive oil and 2 tablespoons of butter and set aside.

Pour port wine in a saucepan and reduce for 5 minutes to let alcohol evaporate. Add beef stock and season with salt and pepper. Place pork fillets and cook until tender. Remove from sauce and cut twine. Set aside. Keep warm.

Continue reducing sauce at moderate heat until it thickens slightly.

Saute cabagge in rest of butter 3 minutes and set aside. Skin fava beans and boil 3 minutes in salted water and rinse with cold water.

Reduce chicken bouillon with thyme and oregano for 5 minutes. Add cream and fava beans. Reduce until slightly thickened.

Place cabbage on platter and arrange pork fillets on top. Cover with sauce. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serve fava beans on the side. String beans o green peas can be used instead of fava beans.

8 servings

Prepare these recipes with pork:
Pork chops with mushroom sauce
Pork chops in Scotch sauce
Pork tenderloins in wine and prune sauce
