TAMAL DE FANTASÍA / Baked Tamale   
  Ingredients :

Heat half of shortening in a large saucepan. Add garlic with half of the blended sundried chili until lightly golden. Reserve 1/4 of this mixture and set aside. Place chicken pieces in pan or large skillet. Add the reserved mixture and bring to a boil for 5 minutes. Set aside. This will be the tamale´s filling.

Stir shredded corn into the garlic and chili left in the saucepan. Stir constantly with a wooden spoon at medium heat. Soften corn mixture by adding chicken bouillon gradually while stirring. Add rest of shortening and remaining blended chili.

Continue stirring until mixture has a soft thick texture. Season to taste.

Transfer half of the tamale mixture to an ovenproof, rectangular greased baking pan 3 qt (3lt) capacity. Scatter chicken pieces, black olives, peanuts, chili slices and haardboiled eggs on top and cover with remaining tamale mixture.

Brush a mixture of blended sundry aji and garlic and cover with corn husks.

Bake in a preheated oven 350° F (175° C) until it sets.
        10 - 12 servings