SANCOCHADO / Cooked Vegetables with Soup   
  Ingredients :
    1 lb (2 k) beef cut in medium size pieces
    4 carrots, peeled and cut in half
    ˝ lb (1 k) green fava beans
    1 leek, rinsed and cut in pieces
    4 celery stalks
    1 turnip, peeled and cut in three pieces
    8 medium white potatoes, peeled and cut in half
    1 medium size cabbage, in half
    ˝ lb (1 k) yucca or cassava, peeled and cut in large pieces
    1 lb (1/2 k) squash, peeled
    ˝ lb ( 1 k) sweet potatoes, peeled and cut in half
    4 corn ears, cut in 2 or 3 pieces
    1 teaspoon sugar


Fill water in a large size pan and bring to boil. Add meat pieces boil again. Skim occasionally to remove foam that rises to the surface. Season and add carrots, fava beans, turnip, celery and leek. Let vegetables cook approximately 5 to 8 minutes and add potatoes, yuccas and squash. Remove vegetables from pan as soon as they are tender, and transfer them to another pan. When meat is tender, remove and proceed as with the vegetables. Strain stock and season.

Cook corn ears in water with sugar until tender. Drain. Cook sweet potatoes in water, separately. When tender, remove from pan and place them with rest of cooked vegetables.

Serve stock, very hot. In a soup bowl. Place vegetables and meat in a serving dish.

Serve with creamy ají sauce and onion sauce.
        8 servings