Ingredients :
    2 legs of lamb
    20 pork chops
    4 chickens
    6 guinea pigs
    20 humitas
    20 potatoes
    20 sweet potatoes
    20 ocas
    Fava beans
    10 corn ears cut in half
    10 green bananas
    2 cups sundried red aji (chili)
    2 punds cheese
    Banana leaves


Dig a hole in the ground where the Pachamanca is going to be prepared.

Make a fire and heat stones. Once they are hot, carefully transfer a layer of stones covering the bottom of the hole.

Place, on top of the stones the potatoes sweet potatoes and ocas. Place some hot stones on top (not very close one from the).

In the second layer place the meats seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic, and aji (optional: paprika). The most common meats used in the Pachamanca are: lamb, baby goat, pork and chicken. Sage and Paico leaves can be scattered on top of the meats to enhance flavor.

Place a larger amount of stones on top of the meats, as they take longer to cook.

Cover all with banana leaves, to protect food and avoid contact with dust.

Place humitas, fava beans, guibea pigs, cheese in pieces, bananas and corn. Cover again with banana leaves and a close-woven blanket to keep the temperature. On top seal the Pachamanca with dry soil.
Usually a cross is placed on the top. This cross will be removed from the Pachamanca by the "godfather" who will start opening it.
Cooking time for the Pachamanca varies from 2 to 3 hours.
        20 servings approximately