Ingredients :
    4 lb 8 oz (2 k) white potato, peeled and thinly sliced
    7 oz (200 g) Edam cheese or similar, sliced or shredded
    10 ½ oz (300 g) Roquefort cheese or similar
    ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
    2 cups heavy cream
    3/4 cup light cream
    Garlic clove, halved


Butter an oven proof mold and rub garlic and clove on the bottom and sides.

Arrange layers with half of the sliced potatoes in the mold. Cover potatoes completely with Edam cheese. Arrange remaining potato slices on top of cheese.

Place Roquefort cheese in a medium saucepan with the heavy cream. Heat, stirring until soft and creamy. Stir in light cream, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. Pour mixture evenly over potatoes. Potatoes must be completely covered with cream.

Dot with butter on top and bake in preheated oven to 350ºF (180ºC) for 50 – 60 minutes or until potatoes are cooked.
Remove from oven and cool for 10 minutes before serving.
        6 servings