Ingredients :
    4 lucumas, peeled and seeded
    Milk, the necessary amount to puree lucumas
    1 lb 10 oz (3/4 lt) of prepared manjarblanco
    Chantilly cream


Blend or process lucumas with the necessary amount of milk to form a soft puree. Force puree through a strainer and mix with manjarblanco. Pour cream into 6 individual ramekins or cups and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Decorate with chantilly cream and a cherry.
Preparation time: 20 minutes + 1 hour refrigerator

Fresh lucuma substitution:
2 pounds of fresh lucuma = 4 tablespoons dehydrated lucuma powder.
Soak lucuma powder in the same quantity of liquid 2 or 3 hours before using it. Stir. It will have the consistency of a puree.
        6 servings