Ingredients :
    18 fresh asparagus, trimmed
    18 slices of white bread, crusts removed
    8 oz (225 g) soft cream cheese
    ½ cup blue cheese, crumbled
    ½ cup melted butter (plus 1 tablespoon to grease sheet)
    1 ¾ tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted


Flatten bread with rolling pin. Mix cream cheese with blue cheese in a bowl. Spread cheese mixture on each bread slice. Place asparagus on top and roll up tightly. You should see a piece of asparagus on both sides otherwise shorten bread slice. Brush melted butter all over on roll and transfer to a greased cookie sheet, seam side down.

Sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake in a preheated oven to 375°F (190°C) for approximately15 minutes or until rolls are lightly browned.
        Yields: 18 appetizers