Ingredients :
    6 tomatoes, peeled, seedless, chopped
    1 medium size onion, finely chopped
    4 tablespoons vegetable oil
    1 ají amarillo fresco / fresh yellow aji (chili), seeded and deveined, choppe
    1 tablespoon cilantro, finely chopped
    Ají amarillo fresco/ fresh yellow aji, blended
    8 eggs
    Tabasco, few drops


Heat oil in a large skillet and add onion and garlic. Sauté until cooked but not browned.

Add tomatoes and chopped aji. Bring to a boil and cook approximately 8 – 10 minutes.

Add a few drops of Tabasco and blended aji to taste. Season with salt and pepper.

Make 8 holes in the tomato mixture with the back of a spoon and drop 1 egg in each one.

Cover skillet, lower heat and continue cooking until egg whites are cooked and yolks are still soft. Correct seasoning.

Serve 2 eggs in each plate and cover with sauce.

Serve with toasts or Mexican tortillas.
        4 servings