Ingredients :
    8 –9 slices of white bread
    2 large pears, peeled
    2 tablespoons sugar
    6 oz (150 g) prosciutto, thinly sliced
    8 oz (225 g) unsalted soft butter
    Tarragon leaves, chopped (fresh, if possible)
    2 egg yolks, cooked
    Parsley, finely chopped (only if dry tarragon is used)
    Lemon juice


Cut slices of bread in 1.5 inch rounds (3 cm).

Cook peeled pears in water with 1 teaspoon tarragon and 2 tablespoons sugar until tender. Cut in thin slices, the size of the canapé.

Beat butter with salt, lemon, tarragon and cooked yolks. Season.

Spread this butter in each canapé. Place pear on top and a piece of prosciutto.

Fill a pastry bag with remaining butter and pipe butter on top of each canapé.

Sprinkle with chopped parsley.
        35 – 40 canapes approximately.