Ingredients :
    4 lb 8 oz (2 k) halibut or similar fish
    Extra virgin olive oil
    4 garlic cloves, crushed
    2 bay leaves
    3 tablespoons parsley leaves, finely chopped
    5 large red peppers, seeded and deveined, cut in strips
    2 tablespoons white vinegar
    2 cups canned peas
    2 large limes
    1 large carrot, cooked and sliced
    4 lemons, halved and sprinkled with paprika
    French fries


Clean and remove scales. Rub salt on fish and marinate for 10 minutes. Rinse fish and dry. Make cuts on the skin, season with salt and pepper and brush oil all over. Place fish on a rack in an oven pan and bake in preheated oven at 375°F (190°C) until fish is cooked and slightly golden.

Baste fish several times with the cooking liquids. Remove from oven and place fish on a serving platter. Arrange carrots slices around fish alternating with lemon wedges.

Heat olive oil in a skillet and add garlic. Cook until tender and add bay leaves, salt, pepper, parsley and peppers. Cook until tender and stir vinegar and peas. Cook 3 minutes more and pour mixture over fish.

Serve with French fries.

How to fillet, skin and debone fish
        6 servings