Ingredients :
    2 cups red wine
    2 cups apple juice
    ½ cup sugar
    2 strips lemon peel
    1 cinnamon stick
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    2 pears, peeled
    ½ cup strawberries and raspberries
    ¼ cup yogurt, greek style


Place apple juice in a saucepan with sugar, lemon peel and cinnamon and bring to a boil over high heat.
Lower temperature, add pears, vanilla extract and cook until pears are soft for 30 – 40 minutes when tester is introduced. Remove from the heat and cool pears in liquid for 2 hours or refrigerate all night.

Halve pears and remove core with a teaspoon. Pour poaching liquid in a saucepan and bring to a boil to reduce.

Place two pear halves in each plate and top with 1 tablespoon yogurt, strawberries, and drizzle with the sauce.

Other desserts for 2:
Fried wonton filled with manjarblanco (dulce de leche)
Chocolate fondue a l´orange
Banana dessert a la rum
        2 servings